“Goodbye 460 Park, Building the Future Together”
Presented by the Korean Cultural Center New York
Performance Lineup
MAR. - AUG., 2021
Every Last FRIDAY at NOON (ET)
Watch the selected performances on the KCCNY YouTube channel!
As the Korean Cultural Center New York (KCCNY) looks forward to its new home, the New York Korea Center, in late 2021, we are excited to host the final Open Stage performance series in our beloved space at 460 Park Avenue in New York City.
The Korean Cultural Center New York presents a total of 6 performances for <2021 Open Stage: “Goodbye 460 Park, Building the Future Together”> including a variety of genres from Korean traditional music and dance, jazz, contemporary music to K-pop. The 6 selected artists include rising star jazz composers, an innovative Korean ritual performance duo, renowned Korean traditional performers, and a professional quartet based in New York who will present their Korean culture inspired performances to global audiences.
First introduced in 2012, Open Stage has been playing a crucial role in presenting opportunities for rising performers not only based in New York but also directly coming from Korea to display their talents to a wide New York audience. Now in its 7th season, Open Stage is continuously expanding its existing platform, presenting various genres of works including Korean traditional music and dance, modernized Korean creative world music, jazz, as well as contemporary dance and theater. This year, through a highly-competitive process, six groups have been chosen to put on yet again another uniquely wonderful showcase, online.