September 1 - October 5, 2000
Gallery Korea at the Korean Cultural Center New York
(460 Park Ave. 6th Floor, New York, NY 10022)
Sabine Bitter, Luca Buvoli, Raul Cordero, Sunghee Choi
Jin Soo Kim, Jin Seok Kim, Nicholas Guagnini
Osvaldo Romberg, Karin Schneider, Helmut Weber
Sha Xin Wei, Dongchun Yoon, Young Seok Yoon
Jian Jun Zhang, Tirtza Even, Alfredo Jaar
Ja-young Ku
The Korean Cultural Service is pleased to present an exhibition entitled DMZ_2000 at Gallery Korea from September 1 - October 5. Byongsuh Lee, Director of the Cultural Service, describes the purpose of this exhibition as one of encouragement towards furthering the process of the peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula.
DMZ_2000 features 18 artists from ten countries, who have been invited to create perspectives from which the imaginative, spatial, and political possibilities of the Korean DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) may be explored. The exhibition includes drawing, film, photography, performance, video, and texts that may also relate to, or draw comparisons with, national, cultural, and political divisions that exist elsewhere in the world.
Curator Yu Yeon Kim states: "Divided for a half century, Korea now looks forward to a national rebirth as a result of the North and South Summit in June 2000. The Demilitarized Zone, which has long symbolized the heartbreaking division of families and a rift in the Korean national psyche, may now hopefully be transformed from a barrier of separation to a 'Zone of Rejoining'."