2nd Korean Music & Dance Soiree featuring KTMDI
Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 8 PM
Ailey Studios
(405 West 55th Street at 9th Avenue, NYC)
The Korean Traditional Music & Dance Institute of NY (KTMDI) presents its 2nd Korean Music & Dance Soiree, part of a series of performances aimed at introducing New Yorkers to Korean traditional music and dance that is preserved right here in New York City. Established more than 20 years ago, KTMDI is the oldest-established Korean traditional performing arts organization in NYC whose dancers have won numerous performing arts competitions both in Korea and the US . Its 1st Korean Music & Dance Soiree in May of this year was met with immense success and praise, and KTMDI hopes to deepen the awareness and appreciation for Korean culture through these performances.
Tickets are $20 (tax-deductible). To purchase tickets, visit www.ktmdi.org/#donation. For more information, call 248-342-6364 (Hahna) or email info@ktmdi.org.